Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Etsy treasury

My tatted earrings and pendant are included in this lovely treasury. Take a look and click on the pictures

'Blue Faves' by DreamsFactory

Handpainted Delft porce...

cerulean streams . wood...

Midnight in Moscow- Was...

Blue Bird - original wa...

Cafe Pomme de Terre Cer...

Bittersweet Chocolate -...

tatted lacy light turqu...

Fandango Turquoise Gree...

Soft Hand Made Leather ...

Home and Away - A Jenny...

brown and turquoise de...

old phone booth on weat...

Token of My Affection B...

Brooch style Art Pin CU...

feather cup small. no.3...

Fibres en Folie N 97 ha...



  1. Just wanted to say....such beautiful things. I love the page as well, the color theme is awesome.
    Just love the whole theme. I will RT on Twitter for you.
    Emma @Fantasy Jewelry Goddess

  2. Moja miłość do frywolitek w całej tej mozaice ściąga wzrok tylko w jedno okienko... :)

  3. Well done, they looked beautiful, hope you sell them,
