Wednesday, 12 January 2011


Sometimes I like to tat without any pattern or even any idea… I am tatting just for pleasure… and recently in that way I discovered a new motif. What I like about this motif ?It is very universal. It can be used in earrings, bracelets, necklaces or any doilies, edgings, almost everywhere. I love it very much, so I have developed it in original piece of jewellery.I named it Cecylia to honour my grandmother . She has learn me a lot of crafts (needlework type, like crochet, knitting, cross-stiching, embroidery , etc..

I tatted earrings in dusty pink (I love this colour!) Aida 20, with Swarovski pearls and antique gold earrwires. You can see prototype of bracelet as well on pictures, but I am not happy enough with it, so I definitely will tat another version. What do you think?


  1. Wow, that is gorgeous! I love the elegant little square in the middle. Since squares don't come naturally to tatting, it is always great to see one that is not forced.

  2. Śliczne! Niezwykle oryginalny i elegancki wzór. Skojarzył mi się trochę z rozetami charakterystycznymi dla architektury gotyku :)

  3. Choć różowy to zdecydowanie nie mój kolor, kolczyki bardzo mi się podobają. Piękny wzór. Zazdroszczę umiejętności tworzenia nowych rzeczy, ja jak na razie muszę się zadowolić gotowymi schematami :)

  4. You have obviously got a talent for designing, well done it is very pretty.

  5. Naprawde sliczne sa i zupelnie inne niz te ktore do tej pory widzialam. Fajnie ze wlasne projekty juz tworzysz, i powodzenia w tym

  6. Grandmother Cecylia is very happy!mama tez/mum too

  7. Oooo nowy wzór, jeszcze takiego nie widziałam...świetny.

  8. I love the motif and it's colour :o)
