Thursday, 27 January 2011

Classic black pendant / Klasyczny czarny medalion

Welcome :) From today I'll be writing in both English and Polish. Blogging in English is for me a way of practising the English language. A year ago, when I began this blog, I did it mainly for myself, to have a place where I can show my crafts .The number of persons who follow this blog has grown bigger than my expectations, I extremely pleased you like visit this place. However -it is known -not all know English and google translator, although with often actually is useful, it can very silly translate texts. Many people write blogs in several languages, I start to do this today.

Going back to tatting – I'd like to show you a classic black filigree pendant. I've done it a few days ago, design by Jan Stawasz (from polish monthly magazine, "Moje robótki"). I like this one, I can see a great potential in it. I used black Liezbeth, size 20.

Witam serdecznie :)

Od dziś postaram się pisać zarówno w języku angielskim jak i polskim. Prowadzenie bloga w języku angielskim jest dla mnie taka mini –szkółką języka angielskiego. Rok temu, kiedy zaczynałam przygodę z blogiem, robiłam to właściwie dla siebie, by mieć gdzie umieścić moje prace i moc czasem komuś pokazać , czym się właściwie zajmuję. Ilość osób, które obserwują tego bloga przerosła moje oczekiwania, jest mi niezmiernie milo, ze podoba się Wam u mnie. Wiadomo jednak, ze nie wszyscy znają angielski, a google translator, mimo ze często faktycznie jest użyteczny, potrafi bardzo głupiutko przetłumaczyć teksty. Wiele osób pisze blogi w kilku językach, dołączam dziś do tego grona.

Wracając do frywolitek – chciałabym pokazać Wam klasyczny czarny koronkowy medalion. Zrobiłam go parę dni temu, wg wzoru Jana Stawasza (miesięcznik „Moje robótki”). Bardzo mi się ten wzór podoba, widzę w nim duży potencjał. Użyłam czarnych nici Liezbeth, 20.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011


Fox designed a lovely motif, called Abigail and I just had to tat it :) I used a Turkish thread Garden Space, Nazli Gelin. Thank you Fox for this beautiful pattern.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Gothic tatted lace mask

I always love gothic jewellery and accessories. This style is very sexy and  mysterious…Especially masks are extremely sexy. I wanted to tat it since I first saw tatted mask by TotusMel

I made this mask few days ago. It is very sexy accessories and I just love it (my husband loves it as well ; ) ). The pattern comes from freetatting. I used black Liezbeth thread (size 20).

Wednesday, 12 January 2011


Sometimes I like to tat without any pattern or even any idea… I am tatting just for pleasure… and recently in that way I discovered a new motif. What I like about this motif ?It is very universal. It can be used in earrings, bracelets, necklaces or any doilies, edgings, almost everywhere. I love it very much, so I have developed it in original piece of jewellery.I named it Cecylia to honour my grandmother . She has learn me a lot of crafts (needlework type, like crochet, knitting, cross-stiching, embroidery , etc..

I tatted earrings in dusty pink (I love this colour!) Aida 20, with Swarovski pearls and antique gold earrwires. You can see prototype of bracelet as well on pictures, but I am not happy enough with it, so I definitely will tat another version. What do you think?

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Cute little tatted doily

Happy New Year my lovely Followers!

I was not here long time… Christmas time was a very busy time for me and we had a fantastic Christmas Holiday. Not too much time for crafting, but I managed to tat my second doily! I am really rubbish with bigger projects, because I am very impatience . I like fast results, so the most I love to make  tatted jewellery. Today I can show you cute little doily. Pattern probably by Jan Stawasz, but I am not sure, I got it from my friend. I used Lizbeth thread, in Golden Yellow (light), size 20.