Monday, 29 November 2010


I wasn’t here not because I have tatted nothing, but because recently I have tatted a lot! last Saturday I displayed my tatted jewellery on my first ever Christmas Fayre in Edinburgh. I was so excited about it. There was a lot of people and I dare to say that was a big success. So I am going to continue to exhibit my crafts. You can see more pictures from this event on my Little Sister’s blog ( she is this Blonde Beauty! )

It is snowing in Scotland!!! Really beautiful, but chaos is everywhere, even schools are closed. I just tatted snowflakes earrings with pearls. No particular pattern, I made it up myself.


  1. sa sliczne! a Twoje i Agaart arcydziela musialy zrobic ogromne wrazenie na fairy. Gratuluje i dalszych sukcesow! :)

  2. Gratuluję sukcesu. To musiało być niezwykłe przeżycie :D Frywolitkowe śnieżynki i u nas są jak najbardziej na miejscu. Całkiem biało zrobiło się za oknem :)

  3. Wow absolutely fantastic to hear that you did well at the Christmas Fayre, especially as there is such a lot of work involved in getting ready for one. Really loved seeing the pictures on both blogs. The designs are so clever too. Snow hasn't reached the south yet, and hope it doesn't keep it up there please!

  4. Gratulacje! Wyobrażam sobie tych wszystkich ludzi zachwyconych Twoimi robótkami. A o kolczykach śnieżynkach sama niedawno myślałam, szkoda tylko że nie mam nikogo kto mógłby je dla mnie zrobić ;)

  5. Piękne śnieżynki. A jarmarki są bardzo fajne i motywujące;)W ten weekend też mam już mój kolejny:)

  6. I can't stop looking and adoring your beautiful blog!! your work is astonoishing and I am so tempeted to do some tatting!! LOL I do decoupage and some other crafts as well :D
    I congratulate you in your sales and your showing too!! It is great to have some fans of your work , and actual oeople admiring your deelicate craft.
    I am also SOOOOO excited about the draw of decoupage!! uyou can't imagine!! can't wait to see the winner!!
    Thanks for sharing and see you around!
    best wishes,

  7. piekne frywolitkowe sniezynki!!!! A sukces jak najbardziej zasluzony!!! Gratuluje :)

  8. Those are so gorgeous! :)
    And congratulations on your show! :)

  9. Widzę ze i tutaj spadł śnieg :-)
    Powodzenia na kolejnych targach !!!
